What Is A Sales Video And What Is It For?

What Is A Sales Video And What Is It For?

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Videos are increasingly present in people’s daily lives, who prefer YouTube and social networks over TV.

A sales video is a way to present your product or service to the potential customer.

You only have a few seconds to grab your target audience ‘s attention and convince them that your product or service is what they need and make them click the buy button.

This is a challenge that I will help you to overcome, through this content, so keep reading until the end and enjoy.

If you don’t know how to sell, it doesn’t matter if what you’re trying to sell is of excellent quality.

That’s why I’m going to show you a step-by-step guide that will help you create a really effective sales video. Check out!

How to Create Sales Video?

Knowing how to create sales video is not just about recording anything and waiting for customers to show up.

First, you need to know the audience you want to reach, think about the content of your video and create a script , so that your video attracts and delights your potential customer.

Understand the steps you need to take to create a video that really generates sales.

1. Grab The Audience’s Attention

The first step you need to take to create a great sales video is to “hold” the audience in the first few seconds of your video.

Then you need to keep people interested to hear what your product or service has to offer them.

To do this, you must touch the audience’s emotions , talk about the pain they have and show that you care and that you understand what they are going through.

From there you will talk about the solution you have to offer.

In order for you to keep people interested in watching your sales video until the end, you can use some strategies, such as:

  • Ask a question
  • make a statement
  • say something funny
  • Show relevant data…

All this, always aligned with your product or service and relevant to the target audience .

2. Introduce yourself

This step is very important for your sales video to be efficient.

Especially if you are just starting out in digital marketing and are not yet considered an authority in your niche market.

After holding the audience’s attention , talk a little about yourself and what you do .

Keep it brief, get straight to the point, talking about what your audience needs to know to convince them that you can be trusted.

3. Create Connection With The Audience

People often buy for two reasons:

  • To solve a problem/reduce a pain
  • for satisfaction

Show the audience that you know and understand what they are going through.

If this is the case, say that you have been through the same situation and that you know what to do to solve it.

This creates a connection with your potential customer, who will start to trust you and what you offer.

4. Deliver a Solution

It is at this point that you will present your product or service as the solution to the pain or desire of the people who are watching your video.

By now your audience is already connected with you and interested in knowing more about what you are talking about.

Introduce your product or service, showing the advantages and benefits it delivers.

Show how to use your product, present its features and functionality, whether it’s a physical or digital product.

5. Break Objections

In the sales video, after presenting the features, advantages and benefits of your product or service, it’s time to break down any objections that your potential customer may have.

These objections will depend on each product or service.

Some examples of more common objections are:

  • Is expensive;
  • I can not afford;
  • I don’t know if it’s for me;
  • I’ll think some more.

You need to know these objections and debunk each one during the sales video so that your potential customer has no doubts and decides to buy.

Have an early response to each objection , such as:

  • This life-changing product is worth less than the pizza you buy on weekends.
  • You can pay in 12 installments on the card.
  • If you want X results, then this product is for you.
  • The promotional price only lasts until tomorrow.

6. Present Price and Payment Options

Many people find it difficult to talk about the price of the product or service they are offering.

But you need to think about the following: if your product or service delivers a value higher than the price being charged and you make this very clear to the potential customer, he will surely think the price is fair.

Then, talk about the price, payment methods and how the product or service will be delivered.

Don’t forget to mention the warranty.

7. Make it clear how the customer will receive/access the product or service

If your product is digital or an online service, make it clear to the customer how they will have access to the product: members area, by email…

This information needs to be clear, so that he does not have difficulty accessing it.

8. Make a Call to Action

At this point, which is the end of the sales video, you will remember the benefits that the person will have when purchasing your product or service and what they will lose if they do not choose to purchase.

Make it clear what action the person will have to take to buy, which in this case is clicking on the button to go to your sales page.

This is the best time to use mental triggers like:

  • Scarcity
  • social proof
  • Urgency
  • Authority…
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