Daily Chin

Arinn $1200000

Atu lio ah laimi lak i a lar bik mi cu arzuat asi, kan ti ah cun kan baplh tuk lai lo. Hoikom naihniam deuh  a si mi arzua cia mi kan hal hna tik ah, arzuat cu a...

11 Great Reasons why Smiling makes us More Successful

11 Great Reasons why Smiling makes us More Successful First: Our smile reveals to others that we're pleasant. If a stranger approached you and gained eye contact with you after which handled you with a broad smile you'll have a...

The Chin people of Myanmar a proud and resilient group

Traditional Chin clothing Bright, colorful, and unique The Chin people are an ethnic group living in Myanmar. In terms of population, they are the largest minority group in the country with an estimated million people. The majority of Chin people...

INDY 9 ah rian tampi a lawng

Laimi tampi ttuannak IND9 ah rian tampi a lawngmi a um. A duhmi poah nih a tang lei link ah hin rak sawk khawh a si.  Ni khat ni in, ni nga ni tiang ttuanmi cu ni thum ni...

The Importance of a Professional Logo for Your Business

The Importance of a Professional Logo for Your Business As a business owner, you know that first impressions are important. When customers see your business for the first time, you want to make sure that you are putting your best...

Tips for preparing for a job interview

Tips and tricks for success Top tips and tricks for success in life and business. Learn from the best and brightest minds in the world and put them into action in your own life! Start With the End in Mind Start with...

Bad Credit Home Equity Line of Credit

Bad credit will increase the problem that homeowners encounters once seeking a home equity line of credit. Bad credit may be the reason for a poor credit score. What is a credit score? The credit score varies between the values...

5 steps to help you use your cell phone less and have more digital well-being

Do you use your smartphone for more than an hour a day? Although the cell phone is increasingly present in our lives, preserving digital well-being is essential if you don't want to have relationship problems or even health problems...

Home Office: 5 tips to stay productive working from home

Working from home is a reality for an increasing number of peoples, but for the majority it is still not so. Due to the coronavirus pandemic , many people have been forced in recent days to work from home. Like everything else...

What is the difference between cell phone camera lenses?

Smartphones with three, four or even five cameras. In recent years, the industry has decided to invest heavily in quality photography as a differentiator for cell phones. However, not everyone is familiar with the types of camera that a device can...

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Arinn $1200000

Atu lio ah laimi lak i a lar bik mi cu arzuat asi, kan ti ah cun kan baplh...
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