WordPress is the platform for 43% of websites

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Today WordPress is the most popular CMS on the web. Currently, it represents more than 43% of the websites that are available on the internet.

Have you ever wondered why you should choose WordPress to create your website or virtual project? The truth is that there is no shortage of good reasons for you to choose WordPress to take your business to the virtual world. 

One of them is the fact that WordPress is today the most used CMS in the world when it comes to creating websites, blogs and much more. Currently, it is responsible for 43.2% of the websites available on the web, according to the W3Techs website, which measures the performance of technologies present on the internet.

Therefore, in this post, you will better understand what WordPress is and what it is for, how is its popularity index and the main advantages of using this platform in your daily life.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is nothing more than a Content Management System (CMS). And it all started in 2003, when Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little joined forces to create WordPress. At the time, the name WordPress was suggested by Christine Selleck, a friend of Mullenweg’s.

With this CMS, it is possible to create websites, blogs, virtual stores, online teaching platform and much more. All this, without you having to understand programming.

Over time, WordPress, which started its platform specifically for blogs, has reinvented itself, has undergone numerous updates and continues to improve with each new version. Currently, WordPress is in its 5.9 version.

WordPress: an increasingly popular platform

Currently, the platform is one of the most used CMS in the world by websites, content portals, virtual stores, corporate websites, among others.

What’s more, WordPress has been growing year by year. In 2020, WordPress still accounted for 38% of websites available on the web. Since then, it has grown more than 5% and today it has reached the mark of 43.2%. The trend is that this number will continue to grow.

In full growth, WordPress leaves behind its competitors, such as Shopify with 4.4%. In third place and not far from fourth place is Wix with 1.9%. In fourth place is Square Space with 1.8% and in last place is Joomla with 1.7%. 

Market Share: WordPress follows leader

And when it comes exclusively to websites that use CMS as their technology, the WordPress Market Share is even higher, where 65.2% chose the platform to bring their website to life. Here, its direct competitors, in the sphere of content managers, are Shopify with 6.7% and Wix with 2.9%.

What are the advantages of using WordPress to create websites?

Now that you know what WordPress is and you can see how this platform is so popular, it’s time to know what are the advantages of using WordPress to turn your virtual project into reality.

WordPress is free

One of the main advantages of this platform is that it is free and always will be. With this platform that is free, you can create institutional website, virtual store, blog, teaching platforms and much more.

Plugins that add functionality

A good site is one where your user will have an excellent experience while browsing your site. And to help you offer the best browsing experience and amazing features to your users, you can count on plugins. WordPress has more than 56,000 plugins available in the official repository. And with them, you can add infinite resources to your website.

Themes to create a worry-free layout

In addition to excellent plugins, you can also count on themes that give you freedom and give wings to your creativity when creating your WooCoomerce website or virtual store.

The possibility of creating a virtual store in one click

WordPress has a plugin called WooCommerce. With it, you can create a virtual store the way you’ve always dreamed of.

Constant updates

In addition to a series of features that can be added to your site through themes, plugins and extensions, WordPress also undergoes constant updates which allows the platform to always remain secure and constantly evolving.


WordPress is compatible with SEO plugins and has a friendly URL, so it will be easier for you to produce content that will make your website on the first page of Google.

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