Making money with a WordPress site: 5 ways

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Below are a number of ways you can make money from your WordPress site. Depending on the nature of your site, some shapes will be more appropriate than others. However, keep in mind that this issue is not closed. You can use multiple tactics at once to monetize your site.

What you need to find out is what makes the most sense for your site .

01. Allow advertising

Including ads on your site is one of the first solutions that people think of when it comes to making money with WordPress (especially bloggers). You may ask: why does this happen? Well, because it’s easy. All you need to do is paste a piece of code into a widget area and your website will start generating an endless stream of money.

There are different methods you can choose from:

  • Sell ​​Ads Directly : One method is to sell banner space for a flat weekly or monthly fee. Pricing will depend on your traffic and ad location. A good and steady income. However, finding advertisers may not always be easy.
  • Semi-Direct : Sites like BuySellAds allow you to list your site. The interested side can then rent the ad space directly through there. This is a good alternative as you don’t have to find advertisers yourself.
  • Contextual advertising : The most well-known example of this method is Google AdSense. Place part of a code on your site and visitors will automatically see ads based on their search history. It’s easy to set up and automatic, but you have little control over the ads that appear on your site.
  • Video Advertising : A slightly different option compared to AdSense is to open a YouTube account and post videos on their website. You can earn good value if you get a significant number of views.

02. Accept contributions

One of the simplest ways to make money from your website is to ask people to contribute. In the early days of the blogging era, it was quite common for bloggers to have a “buy me coffee” button on their blogs.

Although it is no longer a common practice, some people still continue with this method with good results. An example is Brain Pickings . The site asks for contributions from readers who understand the value of published articles.

You can organize monthly contributions as a subscription service, for example. However, you shouldn’t expect a giant income from contributions. But, if you get a loyal readership, it’s possible that the income will be enough to cover server costs and other expenses.

03. Offer services, coaching and consulting

To make money with WordPress you don’t necessarily need to monetize the site, but you can use it as a gateway to some service you offer. This works great for freelancers. They can use the blog function to market their name and showcase their portfolio to attract customers who will pay by the hour.

Setup for this monetization tactic is easy. Just create a new page on your website, write what you offer and give people a way to contact you. Put some testimonials from existing customers, as well as your portfolio.

If you don’t know what kind of service to offer, here are some WordPress-related ideas:

  • WordPress Development : Can you write plugins, themes and understand the technical side of WordPress? So you already have a service right there. WordPress development can give you a great income. Best of all, you can perform this task from anywhere you are. Maintenance and support are also other viable options.
  • WordPress Implementation : Maybe you are not a WordPress developer but still capable of creating custom websites? Then WordPress implementation might be the right choice for you. With in-depth knowledge of the platform, themes, plugins, CSS and HTML, customers will be happy to pay you to build their websites.
  • WordPress Consulting: But if you are not very technically inclined but are well versed in WordPress, you may be able to train others on the ways in which they can fully leverage WordPress.
  • Website Setup : There are many people who need help setting up websites, installing themes and plugins, and configuring basic WordPress functions. If you have an account affiliated with a hosting service, you can even get paid for bringing new customers to the service.
  • Content Production : Another way to make money from WordPress is to write about it. If you have the skills to summarize information, you can get paid to share your knowledge with the world. Your own website can be a great portfolio.

Of course, the service you offer may be something entirely unrelated to WordPress. If you find customers, offering service is one of the easiest ways to start making money from your WordPress site.

04. Publish sponsored articles and posts

In the beginning, many people created free content to attract visitors. If you are writing on your own website, why would anyone pay you? This is really a good question. However, once your site is well established and has a lot of authority, you will find that yes, there are people who would like to pay you.

With a successful website, it’s not uncommon to be approached to write about other people’s products and services or link to their website.

Some people may even offer to write the content and just pay for the publication.

You don’t need much to get started. Simply post that you accept sponsored articles on your site and create a clear policy about it. Make sure you don’t go overboard on sponsored articles and be careful about the content you accept (must be within your quality standard). If you don’t take these precautions, you could damage your reputation.

05. Start an online store

Trading is one of the oldest ways humans exchange goods.

The internet hasn’t changed that, but it has created an ecosystem that makes commerce easier. You now don’t have to build a store from scratch. Today anyone with online access can open their own business and start selling to customers all over the world.

The best thing: if you offer digital products (eBooks, software, videos, etc.), you don’t even have to buy stock. Of course, if you want, you can also sell physical products. An online store is a great way to make money from a WordPress site and can be set up as a standalone entity or to enhance your site for specific content.

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