
Are You Committed to Your Real Estate Investment?

There are many questions that should be asked before embarking upon a career of real estate investment. The first and foremost question however should be whether or not you are truly committed to making real estate work for you. This...

Your First Job Out of College

Finding your first job out of college is an exciting and sometimes intimidating process. On the one hand, your future depends on it! You may be faced with new expenses such as rent, food, and student loan payments, and...

Auto Insurance and Leasing

Auto Insurance and Leasing When leasing a car, it’s easier to stick with the same company for your auto insurance. What you don’t know, however, is that you may end up paying too much for your coverage and it’s better to look...

Using Lease Calculators

Using lease calculators Want to calculate your monthly lease payment? Consider using a lease calculator If you are considering a car lease, then you might want to know some key figures involved in the deal: the monthly lease payments, the overall cost of the...
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